We help clients anticipate, manage and overcome crises that threaten the continued existence of a company and assets belonging to its management in the least traumatic way possible. With caution, preventive advice and, in truth, better business culture, entrepreneurs will be in a better position to overcome insolvency through pre-insolvency mechanisms or insolvency proceedings.
Martos & Gross provides the following services, among others:
- Advice to management to plan for potential insolvency through pre-bankruptcy mechanisms, such as out-of-court payment or refinancing agreements.
- Preparation and application for insolvency proceedings, including monitoring of all phases (common, arrangement and liquidation).
- Defence of directors against liability claims for having managed a company in insolvency proceedings.
- Drafting of creditors' agreements under optimum conditions to ensure viable, majority agreement.
- Due diligence in the purchase of assets or branches of activity of companies in insolvency proceedings.
- Due diligence of companies in insolvency proceedings to analyse the viability and formal requirements of business deals made with third parties.
- Advice to creditors to enforce credit rights against companies in insolvency proceedings.