We are experts in this area of law, which enables us to defend your interests around the world. We can help plan cross-border personal situations in accordance with the law that suits you best and with knowledge of the courts that will hear potential disputes. We solve your problems effectively, because we understand the rules to remove obstacles that arise in any cross-border situation.

Cross-border movements of people and capital require the application of rules to resolve issues such as: laws applicable to disputed relationships, competent courts to resolve disputes, the conduct of legal proceedings, recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements, proof of foreign law, and legal capacity and extinction of personality.

We provide the following services, among others:

  • Claiming debts.
  • Incapacitation of the elderly.
  • Road traffic accidents.
  • Inheritance and succession.
  • Marriages and civil unions of unmarried couples.
  • Separations and divorces.
  • Child support.
  • International adoption.
  • Buying and selling of properties for use as home and investment overseas.
  • Internet purchases.
  • Damages caused to products or persons (non-contractual obligations).
  • Property law, rights in rem, mortgages.